Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I'm such a slacker.

  • I know I've been slacking on my weekly updates, but I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with my ancestry research lately. I was able to snag several hours of it while we were in Scottsboro and I've been able to work on it some this week, too. My focus this week has been on the Wiggins part of my family. Eula Lee Wiggins (1874 - 1914) married by GG grandfather Hugh Daniel Merrill (1863 - 1953) and was one of the first Wiggins' connections. Isabella Merrill, Hugh Daniel Merrill's sister, also married a Wiggins (George Washington Wiggins). My Wiggins connection is also the connection that I share with my mother-in-law, Marlene. She and I both descend from William Wiggins (1755 - 1819) and Elizabeth Cooper (1759 - 1825). I descend from their son Willis Anthony Wiggins and she descends from their son Stephen Wiggins.
  • My next ancestry project is to track down and clear up the ancestry of Elizabeth Cooper (1759 - 1825) and her father, Fleet Cooper. This is proving to be a very daunting project, so I doubt I'll have anything "clear" to show for it for quite some time.
  • Brett and I will be in Aiken, South Carolina for Thanksgiving and while we're there I plan to visit the graves of several of my South Carolina ancestors. I would love to be able to drive up to North Carolina and do the same, but our time is limited on this trip. This will probably be a project to undertake sometime in the Spring and I plan to wrangle Marlene up for it as well.

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